CDB Reports


Original feature articles on the leading people and organizations in China’s NGO sector.

Using the market to reduce emissions: Han Jin interview

In early March, at a village in Rwanda’s Southern Province, a borehole in a schoolyard was repaired after lying abandoned for many years. As the well water gushed out, people cheered, sang and danced in celebration with the realization that…

Better Together: Scarlet Hoy interview

Finding the questions at pub quizzes a little too male-centric, Scarlet Hoy decided to do something about it. Her frustration led to the creation of “Boobs & Brains”, a women’s quiz with questions targeted at a female audience. Hoy recently…

Helping women escape domestic abuse: Li Ying interview

From Fang Si-Qi’s First Love Paradise by Lin Yi-Han to Know My Name by Chanel Miller and Black Box by Japanese journalist Shiori Ito, Li Ying always prepared multiple copies of the same books on her shelf. “The extra copies…

Building up NGOs: interview with Zhang Jufang

In recent years, capacity building has become popular in the NGO sector. Various guidelines have been drafted and workshops designed to help organizations “obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time” (UNDP,…

27 Yard: the NGO helping senior citizens sort their trash

“120 points! Does it mean, I’ve correctly thrown 12 times? A good score, isn’t it?” “Wow, let me check. Yes, the third best score so far. Congratulations!” said Niu Ruixue, the founder of 27 Yard, encouraging a senior citizen playing…

Zhengzhou’s guardians: the volunteer emergency service

On a 2014 trip to Fenghuang county, a popular tourist destination in China’s south central Hunan Province, army veteran Zhang Bing and his friends took turns to drive. “It was around 5 in the morning. We had just passed through…

STAR kids: the autistic children benefitting from cycling

Despite a drop in temperature over the weekend, members of the SURF cycling club gathered near Shanghai’s Huangpu River as usual one Sunday in December. But something was a little different this time: a group of 15 teenagers from Xing…

Wei Lan Library: Getting migrant children reading (Part II)

This is part two of CDB’s interview with staff from the Wei Lan Library initiative. You can read part one here. Wei Lan Library doesn’t just provide books, it provides a public space for children to build connections with their…

Wei Lan Library: Getting migrant children reading (Part l)

Millions of people in China have moved from the countryside to the cities since the country began to open up in the late 1970s. While living standards have risen, economic development is uneven, with many in rural areas not benefitting…

Planting seeds of change in China: Nitin Dani

Among the millions of visitors to Shanghai’s Expo 2010 was a young Indian architect who had come to China after finishing a stint working in Singapore. For Nitin Dani, it was to be the start of an 11-year journey in…