
Government puts end to charity suspected of pyramid scheme

  This week, The Ministry of Civil Affairs released an alert regarding Shanxinhui, a charity supposedly utilizing pyramid-scheme business models to misappropriate funds. The announcement by the Ministry read, “ALERT: National crackdown on Shanxinhui. Please exercise caution!” The Ponzi-scheme reminiscent…

Overseas NGOs successfully register in Sichuan and Guangdong

On April 6, the Sichuan Public Security Bureau held a small ceremony for two overseas NGOs that successfully completed their registrations. The Development Organisation of Rural Sichuan (DORS) and the MSI Professional Services are officially the first overseas NGOs to…

Why welfare is still better than work for some of China’s poor

In China, sweeping government efforts toward poverty relief go largely unappreciated by the poor. That’s the conclusion of one of the country’s most prestigious field research institutions, the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS), with which I am affiliated. China’s present…

Backpacker uses photography to expose Tibet’s roadside trash

In 2016, a young Chinese man named Xue Bin backpacked through Sichuan and Tibet for 2200 kilometres. He walked along National Highway 318, China’s longest highway, that runs all the way from Shanghai to Tibet. Along the way the adventurous…

Public Security Bureau launches Wechat page for overseas NGOs

  A screenshot of the Public Security Bureau’s overseas NGOs Wechat account. The Public Security Bureau’s Office for the Management of Overseas NGOs has recently launched a public Wechat account designed to improve cooperation and communication between foreign NGOs and…

Inspections uncover slew of polluting companies in Northern China

On March 30, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MeP) released its first quarterly report for 2017 on the air quality inspections it carries out, finding a series of concerning issues. Between February 15th and March 18th, the ministry conducted air…

Mobike receives Social Enterprise Award, criticism ensues

Mobike, the Chinese bike-sharing company whose bycicles now line the streets of China’s major cities, has been awarded the 2016 Social Enterprise Awards, a prize that goes to the best social enterprises of the year. The awards, which are in…

How I help pull China’s rural poor out of poverty

As an official charged with tackling deprivation, it falls to me to decide who qualifies for relief and who does not. Last April, jaded by my career as a video journalist, I volunteered to join an officially sanctioned nationwide poverty…