CDB Reports


CDB Reports include: Current Issues, Analyses, and Features.

Weekly News – April 5th to 11th, 2014

Zhoushan village: a grassroots organization shows improvements in women’s empowerment 周山村:草根组织展现变革“她力量” By Dong Lin 董琳, China Women’s News 中国妇女报 , April 8, 2014 An article about women in a rural Henan village who established a grassroots organization for promoting…

Philanthropy Times – NGOs should not seek 'one-night stands'

NGOs should not seek ‘one-night stands’ NGO莫贪图“一夜情” By Chen Jiajun 陈嘉俊, Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 3, 2014 Partnerships between NGOs and private enterprises can sometimes become win-win relationships. However, choosing a partner needs serious consideration. In this article Chen Jiajun,…

Weekly News – March 22nd to April 4th, 2014

Do we really need corporate foundations? 真的需要企业基金会吗? By He Zhiquan 何智权 and Zou Li 邹力, The Enterprise Observer 企业观察报, March 22, 2014 In this article, the authors consider from different perspectives the real meaning of establishing corporate foundations, underlining…

Weekly News – March 8th to 21st, 2014

How to enroll grassroots organizations as “regular troops”? 草根组织如何注册成为“正规军”? Sanxiang City Newspaper 三湘都市报, March 9, 2014 Article on the philosophy behind the development of ‘Happy Charity’, a grassroots organization whose teams of volunteers assist people in need while learning…

Weekly News – March 1st to 7th, 2014

Beijing’s Chaoyang district pilots the first charitable community 北京市朝阳区试点创建全国首个慈善社区 Li Wenrui 李文蕊, China National Radio 中国广播网, March 3, 2014 Article on the development of a ‘pioneering’ community project in Beijing’s Chaoyang district, which has received funding to establish a…

Weekly News – February 15th to 28th, 2014

Deng Fei: NGOs can help to transform the urban plunder of the countryside 邓飞:用公益改变城市对乡村的掠夺 Zhang Wuming 张五明, Tenxun Gongyi 慈讯网, February 18, 2014 In this interview Deng Fei explains how the NGO sector can help in narrowing the rural-urban…