Southern Metropolis Daily – Registered NGOs in Guangzhou can apply for grants of up to 100,000 RMB

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Registered NGOs in Guangzhou can apply for grants of up to 100,000 RMB
Southern Metropolis Daily (南方都市报), September 5, 2013

Guangzhou NGOs can now apply for grants of up to 100,000 RMB from a new, two million yuan fund. The money, called the ‘Accompanying Growth’ fund, is administered by the city’s Charities Association and is composed of donations that have not been designated for a specific use. It is intended to subsidise projects run by NGOs that have independent legal identities and are legally registered in the city. Its main focus is on helping those organisations that take part in the Guangzhou Charity Project Promotion Association. Each organisation is limited to applying for funding for one project, and each funding application cannot exceed 100,000 yuan. An official from the Charities Association said that each proposed project needed to meet four criteria: firstly it should address the theme of “helping the old, disabled, orphaned, and poor”; secondly it should aim to fulfil the needs of a specific disadvantaged group within the community; thirdly it shouldn’t receive funding from another source; and fourthly it needed to have realistic goals and be easily implementable. Organisations that are successful in their applications will be occasionally assessed by third party experts, and be required to regularly report back on their project’s progress and their grant management. It is understood that organisations that want to apply for funding can download an application form from the Guangzhou Charities Association’s website.

Summary by Tom Bannister. See Article for full text (Chinese).

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