CDB Reports


CDB Reports include: Current Issues, Analyses, and Features.

Weekly News – May 10th to May 24th

Public welfare organization petitions Veolia to make water quality information public 公益机构向威立雅申请水质信息公开 By Wang Jing 王婧, Caixin News 财新网, May 9, 2014 Citing municipal water quality standards (GB 5749-2006), the Nanjing-based NGO “Justice for All” has applied to Veolia,…

Weekly News – April 26th to May 9th

How to transform old NGOs 老牌NGO如何转型 By Chen Jiajun 陈嘉俊, Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 29, 2014 Chen Jiajun explains that the reason why old NGOs are not able to innovate nowadays is due to their high dependency on their…

Weekly news – April 12th to April 25th, 2014

Heart to Heart Community Care: integrating social service and policy advocacy 云南连心:一线服务与政策倡导的有机结合 By Zhang Junwei 张峻玮 , Social Resources Institute 社会资源研究所, April 14, 2014 This article looks at the operations and results achieved by the Kunming organization Heart to…