CDB Reports


Original feature articles on the leading people and organizations in China’s NGO sector.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear CDB Readers, We sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Year! Thank you very much for all your past for the past year and we wish you have a wonderful year ahead!  …

The voice of a social worker: Li Hui

Li Hui, a social worker from Guangzhou, has dedicated her life to helping the disabled. In this interview she talks to CDB about her story, her passion and the reality of being a disabled person in China today.

Chinese NGOs Going Out: the Gansu Rainbow Community Service Center

A Chinese NGO might have a thousand reasons to implement overseas charity programs in line with their values and goals, but for Ren Zhihao, the founder of the Gansu Rainbow Community Service Center, the reason for setting foot in Nepal was very simple: to lend a helping hand to vulnerable people whenever they need it, wherever they are.

China’s Ban on Plastic Waste Imports and the Way Forward

Anke Schrader, a senior researcher at The Conference Board in Beijing, spoke to CDB on the sidelines of the 2020 CRO Global Summit in Shanghai to share her views on how the plastic waste import ban and the new waste-sorting rules may help China achieve their industry-upgrading ambitions, and how the recycling industry is adapting to the changes since the ban.

Chinese NGOs Going Out: the Sichuan Haihui Poverty Alleviation Service Centre

The Sichuan Haihui Poverty Alleviation Service Center is a Chengdu-based nonprofit organization dedicated to rural poverty alleviation and the sustainable development of rural communities. CDB interviewed Chen Taiyong, the founder of the Sichuan Haihui, to share his rich experience of poverty alleviation projects in Thailand.

Hannah Ryder: Understanding the Africa-China Relationship

Development Reimagined is a Beijing-based consultancy which aims to help African stakeholders manage their relationship with China. Its founder, Hannah Ryder, talks to CDB about how the Africa-China relationship can be made to work for African countries, what Chinese NGOs can contribute to Africa, Chinese aid policies and much more.

From NGO to Social Enterprise: An Interview with NPI and 724 Hub

While the definition of a social enterprise remains unclear in China, Chinese nonprofits are drawn to this new moneymaking game, which many believe is the answer for achieving self-sufficiency without losing their social mission. In this article, experts from social enterprise incubator 724 Hub and NPI share their advice on whether a NGO should turn to social enterprise.

Chinese NGOs Going Out: the Global Environmental Institute

While the fires in the Amazon have caught international attention, the vast rainforests in another part of the world - Africa - are also vanishing at a threatening rate as foreign investment rises. CDB interviewed Global Environment Institute, a Beijing-based NGO, to talk about their projects promoting sustainable Chinese investment and trade in Africa.