
China and Italy sign MoU on philanthropy

In the context of the Chinese president’s recent visit to Italy, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the China-Italy Charity Forum was signed on the 23rd of March. It is the only philanthropic project among the nineteen collaborative programs signed…

Huizeren offers companies training on volunteering

The Beijing Huizeren Volunteering Development Center(北京惠泽人公益发展中心)was recently invited to provide a two-day professional volunteer training program, named the iVolunteers College (i公益大学), for the staff of Yuxintai (禹欣泰), a large company from Jinan, Shandong Province. The topic of the training was…

Tencent public welfare monthly donation rules updated

China’s biggest tech giant has recently announced updated its rules for monthly donation, requiring stricter tracking of the donors’ general information and finances. The rules are being updated in accordance with the 2016 Charity Law. This law made it easier…

China’s first blue book on mental health released

China’s first blue book on mental health, the “China National Mental Health Development Report (2017-2018)”, was released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences on February 22. The report found positive trends in mental health throughout the country. However these trends…