CDB Reports


Why livestreaming classes won’t solve the problems of rural education

Editor’s Note This is a summary of an article that originally appeared in 网易数读 on the 22nd of December 2018, under the title ”3600万流动儿童,和消失的农村学生” (36 million migrant children and disappeared students from the countryside). It is a response to a…

China’s Preschool Education Law soon to be drafted

The National Department of Education announced on November 28 that the “pre-school education law” has entered the NPC’s legislative process. The Department is now drafting the document and establishing a mechanism of supervision. Lu Yugang, the secretary of the department…

What does the Iron Divide in Suzhou’s Primary School Expose?

CDB's translation of an article discussing a recent incident in Suzhou, in which an elite primary school's playground was divided by an iron barrier to separate the children of migrants from local children. The article analyses deep-rooted issues of educational inequality in China.

Third World Philanthropy Forum opens in Shanghai

Editor’s Note This press release was originally produced by the World Philanthropy Forum.   On September 5, 2018, the third “World Philanthropy Forum”, hosted jointly by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Tsinghua University, University of Hong…

Hong Kong philanthropist Tian Jiabing passes away

On the morning of July 10th, the Tin Ka Ping Foundation announced the passing of the founder and chairman of the foundation and Hong Kong Tianshi Chemical Industry Company Limited, Dr. Tian Jiabing, at the age of 99. Over the…

Bridging Gaps in China: an Interview with Michael Hermann

Michael Hermann, Humana People to People's China representative, talks to CDB about his organization's work in rural Yunnan, China's efforts to eliminate poverty, the Overseas NGO Law and much more in this wide-ranging interview.

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