
Third “9/9 Philanthropy Day” raises 1.3 billion

This year’s “9/9 Philanthropy Day”, the third one held so far, generated a total of over 1.3 billion Yuan in donations, including 829.9 million Yuan from the public, 299.99 million Yuan from the Tencent Foundation and 177 million Yuan from…

Report: China has the potential to transform philanthropic sector

Philanthropic actors in China have the potential to transform the charity sector in the country while contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to a new report released on Monday. The report titled “Philanthropy for the SDGs in China”…

Xinjiang announces plan to use renewable energy for heating

According to a report by the National Development and Reform Commission (发改委) of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region on August 31st, Xinjiang has completed its “Renewable energy clean heating program 2017-2021”. According to the plan, by 2021 heating from “surplus” renewable…

Rumours fail to bring down Tencent’s “one yuan paintings” charity drive

A recent charity initiative by internet giant Tencent has proved very successful, but unfortunately also generated some controversy. On August 29th, Tencent’s charity platform (腾讯公益平台) launched a creative philanthropy program called “One yuan paintings”, part of its “Lighting life up…

Fund creates a safety net for children with critical illnesses

Deng Fei, the creator of the well-known “free lunch” (免费午餐) initiative, has now started a “Critical Illness Insurance” program providing help to children with serious diseases. The idea originated when Deng Fei visited the first “Free Lunch School” in Qianxi…

Yunnan to no longer give unconditional handouts to the poor

The Yunnan provincial poverty alleviation video conference was held in Kunming on August 22. During the conference the attendees studied the talk by provincial party secretary Chen Hao on his special investigation on poverty alleviation, and prepared the next stage…

Eleven overseas NGOs register in Beijing

The Overseas NGOs Management Office of the Beijing Public Security Bureau issued registration and chief representative certificates to eleven overseas NGOs on August 16. The NGOs include among others the UBS Optimus Foundation (Switzerland), the Silk Road Chamber of International…

Three Chinese travel agencies pledge to stop offering elephant rides

Following a report by World Animal Protection, three Chinese travel agencies have agreed not to continue promoting activities based on the exploitation of elephants. On August 9 Caissa Touristic, a popular Chinese tourism services provider, officially signed an “elephant-friendly tourism” …