CDB Reports


100 free cinemas built to enrich children’s lives in remote areas

The 100th Huayi Brothers’ free cinema for children opened in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, on October 26th. Government officials and CEO of the Huayi Brothers Group Wang Zhonglei attended the opening ceremony, alongside local children dressed in striking ethnic minority costumes.…

Chinese Children’s Policy Advancement Index Released

Developed by the China Philanthropy Research Institute of Beijing Normal University and sponsored by the Amway Charity Foundation, the “Chinese Children’s Policy Advancement Index” (中国儿童政策进步指数) was released for the first time in Beijing on the 31st of May, just as…

First Confucius School opened in a Chinese prison

A Confucius School was opened inside a prison in Luzhong, Shandong Province, in the beginning of the month. Unlike the more famous Confucius Institutes, the Confucius Schools are a large-scale cultural program organized by the China Confucius Foundation with the…

New Season of “ Nature is Speaking” launched in Chinese

From April 20th until the end of June, the Conservation International Foundation (CI) will be releasing five new episodes of “Nature is Speaking” in Chinese. In an effort to invite the human race to listen to nature, the second season…

China’s five-year plan for Environmental Advocacy and Education released

The “National Environmental Advocacy and Education Work Outline 2016-2020” (《全国环境宣传教育工作纲要(2016-2020年)》 was recently released by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, the Civilization Office of the Central Communist Party Committee, the Ministry of…

If Everyone Could Take a Small Step Forward

Project officer Ma Lingling tells us two sad stories on disadvantaged children and their teachers. She calls for empathy and genuine efforts from project officers to understand the difficulties faced by the people they serve and empower them.

“ Island Libraries” promote China’s nationwide reading policy

The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China (国家新闻出版广电总局) recently released a Draft of the new Nationwide Reading Promotion Regulations for public solicitation, following the Legislative Plan of the State Council (国务院立法工作计划).…

Falling in Love with philanthropy

After becoming the only full-time employee of a start-up private foundation for education in 2013, Yao Rui, a girl from Hunan, blazed a trail forward in mid-western China, a region that is seen as a vacuum by private Chinese foundations looking for NGOs with whom to cooperate. Her active efforts and positive attitude heralded a whole new phase for the work of private foundations in the region.

From Business to the NGO Sector: the Unexpected Certainty

Yang Yang, a former public relations manager and a sharp business woman, unexpectedly starts anew in the NGO sector as a project officer for TAE Charitable Foundation. Combining her business acumen and media expertise with NGO work, Yang Yang is able to navigate the sector and develop innovative solutions for social problems.

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