CDB Reports


CDB Reports include: Current Issues, Analyses, and Features.

China’s foundation number 5000 established in Beijing

According to the official website of the China Foundation Center, the founding of the Yibang Philanthropy Foundation in Beijing on the 8th of July 2016 marks the establishment of China’s 5000th foundation. Statistics issued by China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs…

Identifying the role of youth organizations in environmental protection

A Round Table of Chinese Environmental Protection Youth Organizations was held in Liupanshui, Guizhou on July 6. Nearly fourty environmental protection organizations attended the conference, discussing the establishment of a coordinated governance system on environmental protection and the role of…

Final Communique of the C20 conference in Qingdao released

The closing ceremony of the C20 Conference 2016 was held yesterday in Qingdao, in Eastern China’s Shandong Province. Representatives from 54 countries and regions attended the C20 and took part in discussions on the theme of “poverty alleviation, green development,…

2016 C20 conference starts off in Qingdao

The Civil Society 20 (C20) Conference of 2016 got off to a promising start in Qingdao this Tuesday. The theme of this year’s C20 is “poverty eradication, green development, and innovation: the role of civil society”. The conference is co-organized…

【Marketizing the NGO Sector】 The Ongoing Debate

CDB's Chinese website recently played host to a lively debate on the marketization of the NGO sector. Here we provide a brief compendium of some of the views expressed by experts and activists on both sides of the debate.

Top 100 Chinese social work organizations of 2015 nominated

In order to promote the standardized management of social work and its sustainable development, the Social Work School of the Open University of China and the Philanthropy Times organized a contest to nominate the “Top 100 Chinese Social Work Organizations…