CDB Reports


CDB Reports include: Current Issues, Analyses, and Features.

News outlets encouraged to join hands with government in promoting charity

Ministry of Civil Affairs, Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC, 国家互联网信息办公室), and State of Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of PRC (SAPPRFT, 国家广电总局) jointly published a notice recently to encourage news outlets to "cooperate" with government departments in promoting philanthropic activities and "honouring" charitable contributions by businesses and individuals.

Phoenix TV releases documentary on Chinese gay community

The Phoenix Satellite Television (凤凰卫视) documentary, named “It’s Me (以我之名——同性恋群体实录)”, claims to be the first documentary made by Chinese mainstream media that is narrated by gay people about their own real lives. The documentary, which took more than a year to prepare and several months to shoot, interviewed more than forty members of the gay community and their families in nine cities and worked with six gay rights NGOs. Almost all interviewees agreed to show their faces on camera.

Two left-behind children murdered in Bijie

Two "left-behind" children were murdered in their home on August 4 in Bijie, Guizhou.The two victims were a 15-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy. Bijie is already well-known in China as being the location of the recent tragic suicide of four left-behind children in June, this year. This had already roused mass public interest in the problems facing the millions of children left at home while their parents look for work in urban areas.

NHFPC requires schools to build AIDS epidemic reporting system

Due to an increase in HIV/AIDS infection among students, the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) recently published a Notice to ask schools to build AIDS epidemic reporting systems (关于建立疫情通报制度 进一步加强学校艾滋病防控工作的通知) and requires schools to organize consultations to analyze reasons for epidemics and ways of controlling them.

Yu-e: the “one stop” online philanthropy platform

At their three year anniversary celebration on August 6th, the Guangdong Yu Foundation (与人公益基金会) launched an internet platform ( that aims to encourage younger generations to participate in philanthropy. The Yu Foundation, founded in 2012, focuses on China's younger generations by supporting philanthropic projects run by teams aged 28 years or younger.

MOCA explains social organizations’ GDP statistics

On July 30th, Caixin News reported that, according to Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Center for the Third Sector's report, the official GDP data of social organizations is far less than the actual data. An official from Ministry of Civil Affairs (MOCA) later did an interview with Caixin explaining the differences between the numbers, and also confirmed that there might be errors in the raw data that had been announced.

Ministry of Civil Affairs launches its 9th “China Charity Award”

The Ministry of Civil Affairs (MOCA) has started the candidate selection process for its 9th China Charity Award (中华慈善奖). According to the MOCA, it is the highest charitable award given by the government and aims to commend organizations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to China’s public welfare sector. Since 2005, the Award has been held 8 times and awarded to hundreds of organizations and individuals. According to the MOCA's own article on the Award, it has helped to encourage people to get involved in charity, contributed to the development of China's public welfare sector, and promoted a harmonious society.

New government HIV/AIDS fund to support social organizations

At the end of July The National Health and Family Planning Commission of China (NHFPC) released the "Notice on the Establishment of the Fund for HIV/AIDS Prevention by Social Organizations" (关于建立社会组织参与艾滋病防治基金的通知) after the Fund had been approved by the State Council. At the same time the Commission also made public the "Interim Measures on the Management of the Fund for HIV/AIDS Prevention by Social Organizations (社会组织参与艾滋病防治基金管理办法(暂行)), according to which social organizations (社会组织) registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, as well as "organizations in social organization incubator bases" (社会组织培训基地) that have been established by the departments of civil affairs and family planning, can now apply to the Fund to support their HIV/AIDS programs.