
2024 Women’s Impact Awards Announced by iFeng News

On April 2nd in Shanghai, the iFeng News 2024 Women’s Impact Awards were celebrated, where  twelve women were recognized for their exceptional work in diverse fields. The event, lasting  two hours, featured inspiring speeches by female leaders and captivating  performances…

Tech Giant Boosts Digital Literacy for Rural Children

On March 20th, the Lenovo Foundation, in partnership with the 21st Century Education Research Institute, officially launched the “Lenovo Rural Children’s Digital Literacy Support Program.” This marks the first philanthropic funding initiative in China dedicated to enhancing digital literacy among…

Guangdong Announces Star-Rated Elderly Care Institutions

The Civil Affairs Department in Guangdong Province has concluded its annual assessment of elderly care facilities for 2023. A total of 92 elderly care facilities in Guangdong Province have been awarded star ratings. These ratings are distributed across five categories:…

Roundtable on Mental Well-being among Teenagers Successfully Held

The Roundtable Dialogue on the Construction of Social Service Systems for Children’s Psychological Well-being, jointly organized by the China Population Welfare Foundation and the China Philanthropy Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, and sponsored by the National Center for Mental…

Typical Legal Cases on the Protection of Elderly Rights Announced

The China National Committee on Aging held a press conference in Beijing on March 21 to unveil typical legal cases regarding the protection of elderly rights and interests in China in 2023. To understand the trends and characteristics of elderly-related…

Running Event Aims to Promote Glaucoma Awareness

The second “Glaucoma Charity Running Event,” held during the 2024 World Glaucoma Week, concluded successfully at the Beijing Expo Park. With the theme “Managing Glaucoma as a Chronic Disease for Sustained Vision,” the event brought together participants from Glaucoma Patient…

Earth Hour 2024 Promotes Global Action for Climate Change

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Beijing Office, along with other prominent organizations, hosted the Earth Hour 2024 event in Ordos, China. Under  the theme “Innovation, Connection, Sharing —Dedicate One Hour for the Earth,” the event aimed to raise…

Newly Established Foundations Experienced Slow Growth in 2023

In 2023, the growth  of newly established foundations in China experienced a notable slowdown  compared to the previous two years, according to the latest data. A total of 440 foundations were established nationwide, with 414 of them being charitable organizations,…

NGOs Contribute to Rural Revitalization in China

In China, NGOs are playing a pivotal role in  promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas and strengthening  agricultural development. These , NGOs in China are playing a pivotal role in the country’s rural revitalization. These organizations recognize the importance…

The Two Sessions Promoted Continuous Improvement of the Environment

During this year’s Two Session, Huang Runqiu the Minister of China’s  Ministry of Ecology and Environment, addressed pressing environmental concerns.  He highlighted the progress made in environmental protection in 2023, noting  a stable improvement in air and water quality. Despite…

Ocean Negative Emission Scientist Focusses on Climate Goals

During China’s Two Sessions, Jiao Nianzhi, a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and chief scientist of the International Large-scale Ocean Negative Emission Program, has been actively  promoting an important initiative. “Ecology” and “low-carbon” were key themes…

New Work Plan Aims to Revitalize Rural Culture

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in collaboration with the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, has unveiled  the “Colors of the Earth – Work Plan for the Revitalization of Rural Culture Nationwide.” The plan emphasizes  collaboration and…

Sustainable Development of Charity Is Required

China’s charity and public welfare sector are witnessing unprecedented attention and support from the central government. From policy to practice, a series of decisions and deployments have paved the way for a broad outlook for the philanthropy sector, according to…

Chinese NGO Co-Hosts Side Event at UN on Child Rights

The New Sunshine Charity Foundation and the China NGO Network for International Exchanges co-hosted a side event titled “Protecting Human Rights for the Next Generation: Focusing on the Rights of Children” during China’s fourth Universal Periodic Review at the UN…

Proposal Aims to Advance Environmental Advocacy

The “Two Sessions” Proposal Exchange Conference of 2024, organized by the Proposal Working Group of the China Biodiversity Conservation and the China Green Express, proved to be a successful blend of online and offline engagement. With scholarly endorsement from the…

NGOs’ Role in Driving Policy Innovation and Diffusion

A recent study explores how social organizations contribute to policy innovation and diffusion through government-social cooperation. The article, titled “Case Analysis: How NGOs Promote Policy Innovation and Diffusion through the ‘Agenda Trigger-Implementation Participation’ Framework,” presents a framework that analyzes the…

Report Sheds Light on China’s Agricultural Development in 2024

Recently, released 2024 China Agricultural and Rural Development Trends Report, jointly completed by the National Academy of Agricultural and Rural Development of China Agricultural University and the China Economic Trends Research Institute of Economic Daily, sheds light on the current…