
2014 human rights white paper released by State Council

On June 8, the Information Office of the State Council released a White Paper titled "Progress in China's Human Rights in 2014" (2014年中国人权事业的进展). This is the 12th White Paper on human rights released by the Chinese government since 1991. The White Paper covers a wide range of human rights developments in 2014 including the right to development, the right to a fair trial, personal rights, democratic rights, environmental rights, rights of women, children, the elderly, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities, and international cooperation and exchanges in human rights field.

Similar to other legal persons, social organizations will have “unicode”

On June 17th, the State Council published a Notice on Unifying Social Credit Code (Unicode) for National Reform and Development Commission and all other organizations (Notice) (国务院关于批转发展改革委等部门法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码制度建设总体方案的通知). From now on, similar to industry and commerce organizations and other legal persons,…

Jimen Strategic Forum on Chinese NGOs “going out”

The recent tragic Nepal earthquake has been a big test for China’s NGOs, with it representing their first large-scale participation in foreign humanitarian assistance. As more and more Chinese NGOs reach out to the world, the Jimen Strategic Forum (蓟门决策论坛)…

Green Future: China’s “first environmental project fundraising platform”

According to the Beijing Daily, on June 5th China’s “first public fundraising platform for environmental projects” – named “Green Future” (绿色未来) – went online. The China Environmental Culture Promotion Association (CECPA) and Shanghai GM are co-sponsoring the platform. Green Future…