CDB Reports


In-depth analyses on the issues facing Chinese civil society. Most of these articles have been written by CDB’s staff or translated from Chinese sources, while others are guest contributions from academics and NGO practitioners inside and outside of China.

Practical Guide to the ONGO Law (Registration and Filing)

This handy guide, produced by the Center for Charity Law of the China Philanthropy Research Institute, provides answers to some of the frequent questions that arise when foreign NGOs want to register or apply for temporary activities in China under the new law.

The Chinese Design of the Charity Law

In the midst of the abounding commentary on China's first legislation on charity, British researcher Holly Snape offers a unique perspective on the "Chinese characteristics" embodied in the design of the Charity Law.

International NGOs in China: Which Path to Follow?

Registering with the authorities remains a challenge for many international NGOs working in China. This article from the Chinese media discusses some of the problems involved and offers some concrete policy suggestions to solve the impasse.

How does one Wrap up a 370 Million Yuan Environmental Public Interest Lawsuit?

This article discusses the recent failure of an environmental public interest lawsuit initiated by two Chinese NGOs against some polluting companies in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. There are fears that the ruling against the two NGOs, that will now be forced to pay heavy legal expenses, may discourage other such lawsuits in the future.

From GONGOs to the Charity Law, 30 Years of Chinese Philanthropy

This article, translated from Chinese, gives an overview of the last thirty years of history for philanthrophy in China. From government-organized NGOs to the recently implemented charity law, the progress and challenges of Chinese philanthropy are laid out in a clear and original fashion.

The Chinese Charity Sector’s Top 10 News Stories in 2016

This article, translated from China's Charity Times, lists the top 10 news stories to come out of the country's charity sector in 2016. From incidents of fake fundraising to litigations on air pollution, these are the stories most representative of the changes that Chinese charity is going through.