CDB Reports


Beijing’s population revealed to have decreased in 2017

Editor‘s note This report is based on an article in Chinese published by a Wemedia account named 京事儿 . You can find the original here.    The “Blue Book of Beijing’s Population”, produced by the Research Centre on Beijing’s Population…

What does the Iron Divide in Suzhou’s Primary School Expose?

CDB's translation of an article discussing a recent incident in Suzhou, in which an elite primary school's playground was divided by an iron barrier to separate the children of migrants from local children. The article analyses deep-rooted issues of educational inequality in China.

UN World Population Day – China’s Ageing Population

Editor’s Note This is an abbreviated and adapted translation of a report published by the WeChat account of 尖椒部落 on the 11th of July 2018. You can find the original here.   The 11th of July is World Population Day,…

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