CDB Reports


Tibetan antelopes: endangered no more

China’s National Forestry and Grassland Administration has announced that Tibetan antelopes are no longer on the country’s list of endangered species. Thanks to efforts made to protect the animal over the past 40 years, the number of Tibetan antelopes has…

Eight things you should know about the Yangtze River’s new legal rights

Editor’s Note: This is an abbreviated and adapted translation of an article published by the Beijing News on the 1st of March, 2021, under the title《长江保护法》今起正式施行  8个关键词解读如何保护长江.  On the 1st of March, the Yangtze River Protection Law officially came into…

How and why could the Charity Law be amended?

China's Charity Law, passed in 2016, regulates the activities of all local charitable organizations. A government inspection team recently wrote a report on the law's implementation, suggesting improvements and amendments. This translated article summarises the report's main recommendations.

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