CDB Reports


CDB Reports include: Current Issues, Analyses, and Features.

Weekly News – February 1st – 7th, 2014

Chongqing has more than 12,000 social organizations and social workers have helped in excess of 1.2 million people 重庆市有社会组织1.2万余家 社工服务惠及人群超120万 By Zhang Chang 张畅, Hualong Network 华龙网 , February 3, 2014 New figures released by the Chongqing Municipal Bureau…

Weekly News – January 20th to 31st, 2014

Nippon Paint China’s ‘Color, Way of Love’ sweeps China charity festival awards Global Times 环球时报, January 20, 2014 The third China Charity Festival, with the tagline “Engage in charity work to beautify your life”, was recently held in Beijing…

The Spring for Civic Public Interest has Arrived

In this preface to the Beijing News’ 2013 Public Welfare Report, Narada Foundation chair, Xu Yongguang, lays out his bright outlook for the civic welfare sector in the aftermath of the 18th Central Committee’s Third Plenum Decision.

Weekly News – January 13th to January 19th, 2014

Number of NGOs doubles as government support gets fine-tuned NGO数量翻番 政府支持方式当微调 Southern Metropolis Daily 南方都市报, January 14, 2014 Details the increase of NGOs in Guandong, calling it a “golden period” and citing government decentralization and registration relaxation as the…

Weekly News – January 4th to January 12th, 2014

The hard-pressed daily existence of NGOs, less than 30% are able to survive for two years 民间公益组织生存日益窘迫 不足30%能生存超2年 By Han Junjie 韩俊杰, China Youth Daily 中国青年报, January 06, 2014 Article about the short-life span of grassroots NGOs in China,…

Chinese NGOs in a Globalizing World

Wu Chen discusses a weakness of China’s grassroots NGOs that prevents them from fully participating in international development discussions: their lack of English language skills and familiarity with international perspectives.

Weekly News – December 28th, 2013 to January 3rd, 2014

19 Environmental organizations recommend that the NDRC demarcate a ‘red line’ in the development of river ecologies 19家环保组织建议发改委划定河流开发生态红线 Beijing Times 京华时报, December 30, 2013 A report has been released by 19 environmental NGOs that proposes limits for the state…

Weekly News – December 21st to December 27th, 2013

Funding notes of SEE Foundation fund administrator: Project proposals SEE基金会资助官员的资助笔记:项目书 By Tu Shiwen 涂释文, Green Youther 青年环境评论, December 23, 2013 A SEE Foundation employee talks about their experience dealing with project proposals, noting the importance of revising and refining…

Weekly News – December 14th to December 20th, 2013

Survey: the salaries of the staff of public welfare organizations are lower than the social average 调查显示:公益组织人员薪资低于社会平均水平 By Wang Hui 王辉, The Beijing Times 京华时报, December 16, 2013 A recent survey of 54 public welfare organizations in Beijing, Guangzhou,…

The Guo Meimei Scandal: Weibo Microblogging Unveils the Chinese Red Cross

The 2011 Guo Meimei scandal has become the stuff of Chinese urban legend. This article, excerpted from the 2012 China Blue Book of Philanthropy, seeks to present a balanced account of how the scandal unfolded and what its impact was on the Chinese Red Cross, and the philanthropic sector as a whole, and the measures the Red Cross is taking to reform itself in the scandal’s wake.