
First Confucius School opened in a Chinese prison

A Confucius School was opened inside a prison in Luzhong, Shandong Province, in the beginning of the month. Unlike the more famous Confucius Institutes, the Confucius Schools are a large-scale cultural program organized by the China Confucius Foundation with the…

Local action on International Day for Biological Diversity

May 22nd is the International Day for Biological Diversity, whose aim is to promote biodiversity around the world. The 2016 theme is “2016 Theme: Mainstreaming Biodiversity; Sustaining People and their Livelihoods”. In order to further advance the protection of China’s…

National survey on LGBTI people in China released

The results of a survey on Chinese LGBTI people in China were released yesterday in the conference hall of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The survey, entitled “Being LGBTI in China: A National Survey on Social Attitudes towards Sexual…

New Policy on Equity Donations to Public Welfare Organizations Released

The Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China and the State Administration of Taxation released the “Announcement about Policy on Corporate Tax on Equities Donations to Public Welfare Organizations” (《关于公益股权捐赠企业所得税政策问题的通知》) on the 10th of May. According to this…

International Day Against Homophobia Celebrated in China

May 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The occasion aims to draw the attention of policymakers, opinion leaders, social movements, the public and the media to the violence and discrimination experienced by LGBTI people internationally. The date…

Shopping festival to help the disabled opened

The opening ceremony of the “Jingdong/Dream One Shopping Festival” was held in Beijing on May the 10th. The activity is co-organised by Jingdong Mall (京东商城), a Chinese electronic commerce company better known as and the Dream One Foundation (梦无缺基金会),…

Report on China’s policy on the disabled released

May 15th marks China’s 26th National Day for Helping People with Disabilities (全国助残日)*. The country’s disabled people are currently around 85 million in number. Two days before the occasion, the China Philanthropy Research Institute (BNU) released the Progress Index Report…

Draft law on volunteer services released online for public consultation

The draft of a law on volunteering, officially named the Regulation on Volunteer Services (Draft for Review) (志愿服务条例 (草案送审稿)), has been released online for public consultation. The draft was initially produced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and then submitted…

“Free the Smiling Angels” Project to protect finless porpoises

The start of the “Free the Smiling Angels” Project was officially announced yesterday by the Tianjin Fishery Administration Office in Tianjin’s Haichang Polar Ocean Park. On the same day two adorable wild finless porpoises called Yangyang and Xiaohua were successfully…

Chinese foundation aids the victims of Ecuador earthquake

Following the recent earthquake in Ecuador, the Amity Foundation has worked with the Taiwan Cross-Straits Christian Association, the Andrew Charity Association and other charity organisations and philanthropists in Hong Kong in order to provide assistance. This is the first time…

New Season of “ Nature is Speaking” launched in Chinese

From April 20th until the end of June, the Conservation International Foundation (CI) will be releasing five new episodes of “Nature is Speaking” in Chinese. In an effort to invite the human race to listen to nature, the second season…