CDB Reports


In-depth analyses on the issues facing Chinese civil society. Most of these articles have been written by CDB’s staff or translated from Chinese sources, while others are guest contributions from academics and NGO practitioners inside and outside of China.

The New Lei Fengs: From Sacrifice to Win-Win?

CDB's Tom Bannister introduces some of the themes that emerged from his research into Chinese NGO volunteerism, including the re-definition of volunteering and the impact of changed social values on volunteerism.

Ma Zhengzhou: An AIDS Relief Practitioner on the Frontline

As part of her series on NGOs in Anhui, Guo Ting tells the bittersweet story of an AIDS relief practitioner’s ultimately successful efforts to set up a Chi Heng Foundation office in Anhui province, register it as a NGO and deliver financial assistance to HIV-infected families in the area.

Beijing Organic Farmers Market

This article describes the origin and development of the Beijing Organic Farmers Market, a pioneering non-profit project aiming at providing organic farmers with direct access to Beijing's urban market.

The 2013 Chinese Sexual Abuse Cases

CDB Deputy Editor Guo Ting discusses the sexual abuse cases that were uncovered in China in 2013 and the campaigning efforts of activists.

A Fresh Approach: Impressions of Beijing Sun Village

Dong Huijie interviews Mrs. Zhang Shuqin, founder of the Beijing Sun Vilage and explains how the organization has transformed in a social enterprise and become self-sustainable to continue providing services to children of prisoners.