CDB Reports


In-depth analyses on the issues facing Chinese civil society. Most of these articles have been written by CDB’s staff or translated from Chinese sources, while others are guest contributions from academics and NGO practitioners inside and outside of China.

Summary of the CDB Report on Frontline Project Officers in Private Foundations

Guo Ting delivered a report on CDB’s six-month project- Frontline Voices, revealing five core findings on project officers’ basic profile, their participation in foundations’ decision making process, their views towards grant-making and operation, their career development and training expectations, and their compensation satisfaction and future plans.

Floating bridges: the disadvantaged position of fund-granting officers

In this article Nan Yizhi, a young project officer, describes herself as being a bridge connecting grassroot NGOs on the one side and grant-making foundations on the other. The limitations and problems of the sector render both sides unstable, and the bridge is thus in a disadvantaged position.

What do the secretary-generals have to say in reply to “Frontline Voices ”?

Since the release of CDB's Frontline Voices column, have the voices of these grant-making officers been heard by the management? Will there be any measures to address the issues mentioned in the articles? In this interview, eight secretary-generals of private Chinese foundations give their own answers to these questions.

Returning from Abroad to Work in China’s NGO Sector

After gaining her degree in Sweden, a Chinese girl followed her passion for the NGO sector and joined a private foundation in China. She tells us about the doubts and expectations she went through while the foundation shifted from operating projects itself to providing grants.

Community Development: Discover, Think and Act

A girl who works in the Zhenro Foundation talks about how her first experience of urban life in Shanghai and a visit to Taiwan stoked her interest in projects to help urban communities.

My Journey through the Charity Sector

In a far-ranging reflection on China's charity sector and its society as a whole, a young man looks back at the experiences which set him on course for his work in a Chinese philanthropic organization.

NGO Projects Don’t Have to be Flashy

A project officer in the Dunhe Foundation looks back at his three years working for this Foundation. He describes how the organization has grown since he first joined, but he also bemoans some of the problems he has encountered, which are due to both the immaturity of the sector and the inadequacy of many of the NGOs which receive the Foundation's grants.

Acting and Reflecting on the Route of Pursuing Charity Causes

A young project officer in a Chinese foundation looks back at how he learned to go about funding charitable projects. The author recalls some of his specific experiences of project funding, and explains how they helped him to grow and to define himself and his work.

The 2012 APP Internship Program Controversy

The tenth case study in CDB's 2015 report on business-NGO relations in China discusses the 2012 controversy over NGOs working with the company APP, who were accused of forest destruction.

Jinfeng Mining Company and Sustainable Community-Building

The seventh case study in CDB's 2015 report on business-NGO relations in China looks at the success that Jinfeng Mining Company, a natural resources enterprise, has had in cooperating with an NGO to create a sustainable community.

The Left-Behind Children of Longnan

In March and April of 2015, photographer Liu Feiyue went into Longnan, Gansu Province twice for his visual profile series on left-behind children. CDB has re-published the photos and translated their captions with the permission of the photographer.