CDB Reports


Rhizome Forum: Culture and Arts NGOs Exchange Ideas

CDB Contributing Writer, Li Simin, provides a glimpse into an underdeveloped field in China’s NGO sector: expressive activity through culture and arts.  The term “rhizome” here is used to describe creative activity that is unconstrained by accepted patterns and disciplinary boundaries

NGOs Joining Forces in Response to Disasters

This is one of several articles on NGO responses to disasters that we are making available in commemoration of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan which measured 7.9 on the Richter scale and killed an estimated 70,000 people.

Guangzhou’s “Skinhead” Movement

An Zhu uses a humorous story about taking action to challenge individuals and NGOs to think more deeply about a critically important question in today’s China: How to carry out public action in a meaningful way that will foster social connections and public knowledge?

The Shenzhen Public Interest Fair

This article is noteworthy for providing insights into how the NGO, nonprofit sector, or what is now commonly referred to as the public welfare or public interest sector, is evolving in China

The Garbage Crisis: NGOs’ Call to Action

This article takes a fresh look at familiar waste management issues. Given the many environmental NGOs involved, waste management has developed into a rare arena for grassroots social action

From Opposition to Dialogue

The Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) is one of China’s best-known independent environmental NGOs.  Founded by Ma Jun in 2006, IPE maintains a water and air pollution database, and is one of the organizers of the Green Choice…

A Roundtable Discussion on Rural Library Projects

Rural library projects are a standard undertaking in the education sector. Some of these projects began operating long ago, while new organizations have entered the scene. In the span of just a few short years these projects have undergone some important changes

Interview with Ma Jun

The following is a in-depth interview with one of China’s best-known environmentalists.

A History of Lesbians Organizing in China

his article shows how far lesbian organizing has come in China over a short period of time, with lesbians coming together in physical and virtual venues, holding salons and conferences and forming networks with domestic and international LGBT groups.