CDB Reports

Labor & Migrants

Landmark gender employement discrimination case

On November 12th, the Hangzhou municipality Xicheng district People's court decided that the Oriental Cooking School was guilty of gender-based discrimination because it had a "hiring men only" policy.

Foxconn workers do not contract leukemia via direct contact with Benzene

Apple are again in the midst of a storm about working conditions at Foxconn. Many young workers have contracted leukaemia even though Foxconn says that no workers have had direct contact with chemicals. Apple, Foxconn and Labour Action China, a labour NGO based in Hong Kong, are all investigating the case.

Guangzhou University female sanitation workers go on strike

The article is a recount of the reporter's experience in the sanitation workers face-off against the police, and narrates some of the protest leaders' experiences of being subjected to harassment from law enforcement officers and their employer.