8,000 teachers in Zhaodong city, Heilongjiang province have been striking since November 17th after two rounds of negotiations with the authorities failed.
On September 4th, the Ministry of Education published the "opinions on the deepening of the exam and students' recruitment procedures reform" (关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见).
Dong Huijie interviews Mrs. Zhang Shuqin, founder of the Beijing Sun Vilage and explains how the organization has transformed in a social enterprise and become self-sustainable to continue providing services to children of prisoners.
The piece is a contribution by the Chen Yixin Family Foundation, and concerns the question of how best to maintain the legacy and ethics of family foundations as they are passed down from generation to generation.
Annual tuition fees in many provinces are set to rise from 3000 to 4000 RMB and above, with the highest recorded being Zhejiang's Engineering and Medicine undergraduate fees, which are set to rise from 3600 to 6670 RMB, an increase of 85.28%, and will affect new students matriculating after 2013.
The Ministry of education has recently issued new regulations, known as the “six red lines” (六条红线), which strictly prohibit teachers from activities such as accepting gifts, money etc. These regulations have been issued in order to combat the growing moral degradation in many Chinese schools today.
In the wake of the state college entrance examinations, Du Na (not her real name) is in despair despite having received an aggregate score of 598, 70 points higher than the entry cut-off scores of the top-tier colleges.
The author, who goes by the pseudonym, Zhong Shiwu, discusses how one migrant school was able to survive a rash of school closings in Beijing by going public rather than engage in behind-the-scenes negotiations
n this summary of a longer published article, Professor Zhou goes beyond the truism that NPOs have a role to play in filling gaps in government services, by offering specific insights and recommendations on what those gaps are in the area of rural compulsory education, and how Chinese NPOs can better fill those gaps.
Over the summer, the Magezhuang Campus of the Chaoyang District New Citizens School (新公民学校), a school dedicated to the education of the children of migrant workers, was ordered to temporarily cease its operations.
CDB Staff Writer Li Simin examines Beijing’s uncertain policy environment for private migrant schools, and the role that NGOs continue to play in providing services to migrant children and families in these difficult times.…
CDB Editor, Liu Haiying takes a critical look at the impact of microblogging and “micro-charity”, which made headlines in 2011, on the civil society sector
This is our last in a series of articles on NGO responses to disasters that we are making available in commemoration of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan. This article highlights the ongoing work of 10 NGO projects…