The newly launched Northwestern NGO Resource Community is an online and offline network that connects NGOs in Ningxia, Gansu, Shaanxi, Xinjiang and Qinghai, the five provinces of China’s vast and remote Northwest. The project was started by five social organizations based in the region, the Ningxia Youth Social Innovation Development Center, the Gansu Yishanyishui Center for Environmental and Social Development, the Shannxi Puhui Youth Social Development Center, the Xinjiang Volunteer Philanthropy Union, and the Qinghai Minhe Embroidery Association, with the goal of integrating information and sharing resources. It will allow them to use the Internet to connect with each other and their work, and also provide a great opportunity to carry out public fundraising through online platforms.
So far the network has held workshops in all five of its target provinces, with a different area of focus for each workshop. The first workshop was held in Ningxia, on March 26th and 27th, focusing on public relations and fundraising in NGO circles. The second workshop, in Shannxi, shared the use of new media platforms and project design. The third workshop in Qinghai and Gansu on May 28th and 29th addressed professional training and the development of NGO workers. The fourth and final workshop in Xinjiang on June 18th and 19th examined the orientation of individual NGOs in their long-term development.The Northwestern NGO Resource Community’s plans to carry out more projects in northwestern China in the future.