CPFF annual meeting ends successfully

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  • CPFF annual meeting ends successfully

The CPFF (China Private Foundation Forum) annual meeting came to a successful end yesterday. Six observers, including Li Hong (vice secretary general of One Foundation), delivered informative reports, stressing the meeting’s theme – frontline project officers and their capacity building. Following the reports was the award ceremony hosted by Dou Ruigang, executive secretary general of the Tencent Foundation. Beijing Green and Shine Foundation(北京桂馨慈善基金会)and Sany Foundation (三一基金会) were awarded the Organizing Committee Prize.

“We believe that the hope of private foundations lies in their people. It is essential to listen to the voices of frontline practitioners and respect them as well as inspiring them and stimulating their creativity. That is what we plan to do and what we are doing at the moment” said Liu Zhouhong, secretary general of Zhejiang Dunhe Foundation, in the closing speech. At the end of the annual meeting, the rotating presidency was passed on to the Zhenro Foundation(正荣公益基金). According to Wu Junjun, the director of the Zhenro Foundation, two major measures will take place within CPFF in 2016: enhancing the secretariat and instituting certain changes within the Forum’s mechanism. He emphasized that CPFF is an open and tolerant forum that encourages sharing and cooperation.

 See previous CDB news on CPFF annual meeting here.

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