Weekly News – January 4th to January 12th, 2014

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  • Weekly News – January 4th to January 12th, 2014

The hard-pressed daily existence of NGOs, less than 30% are able to survive for two years
民间公益组织生存日益窘迫 不足30%能生存超2年
By Han Junjie 韩俊杰, China Youth Daily 中国青年报, January 06, 2014
Article about the short-life span of grassroots NGOs in China, citing deficiencies of funding, transparency, and professionalism as the primary causes. (Chinese)

MOCA: Striving to separate industry associations and chambers of commerce from the government administration authority before the end of 2015
Xinhua 新华网, January 07, 2014
At the beginning of January the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced that it plans to “de-couple” industry associations and chambers of commerce from the government agencies that oversee them. The process is set to be completed by the end of 2015 and pilot de-couplings have already begun.

The whereabouts of 70 million Yuan’s worth of the Sweet Angel Foundation’s funds called into question, Li Yapeng welcomes an on-site investigation
嫣然基金7000万善款去向遭质疑 李亚鹏:欢迎实地考察
By Liang Chao 梁超, Beijing Times 京华时报, January 7, 2014
After recent speculation it has now emerged that it is the location of 70 million Yuan’s worth of Li Yapeng’s foundation funding that is being questioned by several journalists. Li Yapeng has responded to their accusations by threatening legal action, and by welcoming an inspection by concerned government departments. (Chinese)

2013: The year of innovation in the management of social organizations
By Zhang Xuetao 张雪弢, Philanthropy Times公益时报, January 08, 2014
This article lists the many changes that were brought in in 2013 by the central government, to streamline and increase the efficiency of the management of social organizations. These include changes to decentralization, direct registration, and the government purchase of social services. (Chinese)

Is it possible for NGOs to transfer?
By Wang Huixian, 王会贤, Philanthropy Times 公益时报, January 08, 2014
This article looks at the financial problems that have affected NGOs after the government has purchased their services. It talks about an ‘incomplete transfer’ in which some financial issues emerge due to unclear administration or imperfect overlap. (Chinese).

Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau: Li Yapeng did not take money from his foundation’s funds
By Cui Hong 崔红, Beijing Morning Post 北京晨报, January 08, 2014
After an investigation by the Civil Affairs Bureau, Li Yapeng has not been found guilty of financial irregularities in the administration of his foundation. However, he has been ordered to relinquish holding multiple position posts with other organizations. (Chinese)

The financial affairs of charity organizations are frequently called into question, embarrassment occurs because “innocence is difficult to prove”
By Yang Jie 杨杰, Chinese News Service Website 中国新闻网, January 09, 2014
In the wake of the questioning of Li Yapeng’s foundation’s financial affairs, this article analyses the reasons behind distrust of charity organizations handling of funds. (Chinese)

The “money economics” of a charity exhibition
By Zhang Mulan 张木兰, Philanthropy Times公益时报, January 10, 2014
Article about the sources of funding, and their lack of transparency, for the 2nd China Charity Fair, which was held in Shenzhen at the end of last year. (Chinese)

Beijing stipulates that only public foundations can fundraise publically, for everyone else it is illegal
北京规定仅公募基金会可公募 其余非法
By Lan Fang 蓝方, Caixin 财新网, January 10, 2014
Following the release of new regulations on December 28th, 2013, the Beijing Bureau of Civil Affairs has again stipulated that only public foundations can legally raise funds publically, and clarified the rules on the common practise of ‘joint fundraising’. (Chinese)

Will environmental protection be good in 2024?
By Feng Yongfeng 冯永锋, ngocn.net, January 10, 2014
The author extrapolates current trends to make predictions about the state of grassroots environmental protection in China over the coming decade, including looking at increasing public participation, the changing role of foundations, and organizational survival. (Chinese)

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