The Party Seeks to Establish a Presence in All Social Organizations

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  • The Party Seeks to Establish a Presence in All Social Organizations

This article discusses a subject that is not heard about much in NGO circles: the Communist Party’s efforts to extend its party-building efforts to all social organizations. Currently, the Party does not have much of a presence in social organizations. To give one example, for the 52 social organizations in Putuo district in the city of Zhoushan in Zhejiang province, only eight have established a general Party branch, and there are 81 Party members on the books. The goal in Putuo district is to establish a Party-building information database and gradually establish Party branches or groups in all the social organizations in the district.

In Brief

This article discusses a subject that is not heard about much in NGO circles: the Communist Party’s efforts to extend its party-building efforts to all social organizations.
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