First Financial Daily – The Red Cross's misfortune is an opportunity for the public interest sector

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The Red Cross’s misfortune is an opportunity for the public interest sector

First Financial Daily (第一财经日报), April 24, 2013

Reflects on the positives that may emerge from the public’s demonstration of a lack of support for the China Red Cross. First, the author points out that the public’s emphasis on transparency and accountability will create a competitive market for the public interest sector, encouraging organizations to strive to surpass their competitors in these aspects of their operations. Second, this incident has “awoken” organizations to the importance of these characteristics, so that more groups can begin to recognize that their credibility is at stake, and once lost, will be difficult to recover. Third, the lack of public trust regarding these organizations may encourage more individuals to get involved themselves, so that they can avoid the mistakes that they have observed from other organizations.

Summary by Amanda Brown-Inz. See Article for full text. (Chinese)

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