“One Belt and One Road” Philanthropic Journey launched in Beijing

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  • “One Belt and One Road” Philanthropic Journey launched in Beijing

On September 9th, the launch ceremony of the philanthropic journey, named “One Belt and One Road – explore the source of sand desertification” (“一带一路土地荒漠化沙源探寻”公益之旅), was held in Beijing. The event was founded by Beijing Youth Daily under the guidance of State Forestry Administration of the People’s Republic of China and China Green Foundation. Chen Peng, China Green Foundation’s Deputy Secretary General, presented the flag to Zhang Yanpi, Director of Beijing Youth Daily on behalf of China Green Foundation. The event aims to present the achievements of environment work in western China and encourage active participation from the public welfare sector in environmental protection.

Ma Shuai, the person in charge of the public welfare sector of Beijing Youth Daily, introduced that through news reports and interviews, photography exhibition and poverty alleviation activities, the public welfare journey calls for spontaneous social actions to promote green,  sustainable and  low-carbon development as well as exploring new approaches to protect the environment. More individuals and businesses can join environmental reconstruction and poverty alleviation activities along the ‘one belt and one road’ areas in the future. He also hopes that more social forces will participate in public welfare activities with the purpose of combating desertification and improving economic development.


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