The Ministry of Civil Affairs issues new policies on rescue work for beggars

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  • The Ministry of Civil Affairs issues new policies on rescue work for beggars

On November the 10th, the Ministry of Civil Affairs held a video conference on the rescue work they conduct for the homeless and beggars. During the conference Zou Ming, vice minister of the MCA, detailed the existing problems in basic rescue management institutions and put forward a guideline on six practices to be followed and six to be avoided in future work.

The policies are listed as follows:(1)There should be stricter security checks, and hazardous products should never be brought into the platforms of train stations. (2)The work of searching for lost relatives should be conducted timely, and cases shouldn’t be handled carelessly. (3)The fostering industry should be regulated, and fostering services conducted outside the care center should follow the regulations. (4)Rescue work should be separated and classified, and the management of work aimed at different kinds of recipients shouldn’t be mixed up.(5)Recordings and file management on the rescue work should be well preserved, and material shouldn’t be lost.(6)Fire-control and safety systems should be improved and fire accidents due to negligence should always be avoided.

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