“Interpretation and Application of the Charity Law” published by the People’s Publishing House

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  • “Interpretation and Application of the Charity Law” published by the People’s Publishing House

A book entitled “Interpretation and Application of the Charity Law” (《中华人民共和国慈善法解读与应用》) was officially published by the People’s Publishing House (人民出版社) on the 5th of April. Written by experts who took part in the legislative process of the Charity Law, this is the first authoritative book to give a thorough explanation of the articles of the law and provide guidance regarding the law’s application.

The book is divided into twelve chapters, respectively covering general principles, charitable organizations, charitable fund-raising, charitable trusts, charitable assets, charitable services, disclosure of information, promotional measures, supervision and management, legal responsibility, and supplementary provisions. In the book, each article is explained through its legislative significance, its targets of regulation, its application and its relative cases.

It is a mission for legislators and academia to bring forth a correct interpretation of the law to the public, according to Professor Zheng, a member of the NPC’s standing committee and president of the China Association of Social Security (中国社会保障学会), who took part in the whole legislative process which gave birth to the Charity Law. Deep analysis and explanations by cases are insufficient to provide an interpretation of the law, because objective discussions of the disagreements and controversies which came up during the legislative process is also needed. In this way the interpretation could help the Charity Law better meet its goal, emphasized the Professor.

In Brief

The book (《中华人民共和国慈善法解读与应用》) was officially published by the People’s Publishing House(人民出版社) on the 5th of April.
Table of Contents

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