Revised Regulations on Foundation Management released online for public consultation

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  • Revised Regulations on Foundation Management released online for public consultation

The  draft of the Revised Regulations on the Management of Foundations has been published on the Ministry of Civil Affairs website for public consultation. The content of the Draft is displayed on the website in full.
There are three ways to send your comment to the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China:
1. Visit the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs (, click Feedback (互动), go down to the public consultation section (征求意见), click the link to Draft Regulation on Foundation Management, and submit your comment online.
2. Write an email to
3. Write a letter and send it to the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Beiheyan Street no.147, Dongcheng District, Beijing, Zip 100721. (On the envelope please indicate ‘Comments on the Draft Regulation on Foundation Management) (北京市东城区北河沿大街147号民政部政策法规司, 邮政编码:100721,并请在信封上注明“基金会条例征求意见”字样)
The deadline for comments is the 26th of June 2016.

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