Announced: 36 model rural revitalization cases

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  • Announced: 36 model rural revitalization cases

On Oct 24, the National Rural Revitalization Administration announced the first batch of 36 model cases that helped consolidate and expand the achievements of the country’s poverty alleviation and rural revitalization efforts.

Through self-recommendation, case selection, expert review and field research, the 36 selected cases that are “innovative, representative and popularized” cover cooperation between the east and the west of China, designated assistance by central government departments, and charity projects by private companies and social organizations (NGOs).

The cases were selected to play a leading role as typical demonstrations to encourage wider participation and more rural revitalization projects across the whole country and promote overall social assistance work towards rural areas, according to the administration.

Of the 36 cases selected, eight are cases of assistance from businesses and social organizations, including YouChange Foundation’s rural women economic empowerment project “Orange Moms”. Three are projects by internet firms (Bytedance, Tencent and Alibaba) and their foundations.

10 of the cases are east-west partnerships — collaboration between provinces from the east and west of the country. The rest are designated projects by central government units.

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