Weekly Civil Society News,January 19 - 25

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  • Weekly Civil Society News,January 19 - 25

Weekly compilation of the major coverage of civil society news in mainstream media.
Chinese NGOs urged to make greater poverty reduction efforts
Xinhua, January 18, 2012
HYPERLINK “http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2013-01/18/c_132112635.htm
President of the CFPA calls on NGOs in China to “join forces with society” in the fight against poverty, through projects such as school construction. He also urges the government to make it easier for NGOs to register.

Beijing to release Gini coefficient
Xinhua, January 20, 2012
HYPERLINK “http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2013-01/20/content_16146156.htm
The National Bureau of Statistics has announced that Beijing will release its own Gini coefficient, an index used to measure inequality. The country’s 2012 Gini coefficient, released last week, was 0.474.

Laojiao to be limited: adviser
By Zhao Yinan, China Daily, January 21, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-01/21/content_16146060.htm
China Law Society Deputy Director Chen Jiping says that controversial re-education through labor system will be restricted, with the expectation of its abolishment this year by the National People’s Congress.

Hou Jinliang: Government decision to halt donations makes difficulty of public charity apparent
By Hou Jinliang 侯金亮, Chongqing Morning Times 重庆晨报, January 21, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://www.cdb.org.cn/newsview.php?id=6802
Describes a case of Guangxi government officials refusing public aid after media reports revealed “left-behind” children living in substandard conditions during winter months, stating that the donations were an insult to the management skills of the government. (Chinese)

Using Weibo to protect rights: A young public interest lawyer’s self-training
China Youth Daily 中国青年报, January 21, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://www.cdb.org.cn/newsview.php?id=6804
Huang Yizhi of HYPERLINK “http://chinadevelopmentbrief.org/DirectoryofNGOs/?p=830″Yirenping explains the benefits of using online platforms in carrying out rights protection advocacy. (Chinese)

“Facilitators” Center will have support from the public welfare fund in the coming year; effectively gained the attention of the government
“协作者”中心逐年获公益金支持 成效引政府关注
Philanthropy Times, 公益时报, January 21, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://sports.sina.com.cn/l/2013-01-21/09246387716.shtml
Profile of the HYPERLINK “http://sports.sina.com.cn/l/2013-01-21/09246387716.shtml”Beijing Social Work Development Center for Facilitators, which caters to the elderly and migrant children, and will receive RMB 160,000 from the Welfare Lottery in the coming year. (Chinese)

Migrant children in Beijing to take gaokao
By Luo Wangshu, China Daily, January 21, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-01/21/content_16150187.htm
After releasing a controversial plan in December that required migrant children to attend local vocational schools before attending university, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education has released a 2013 work plan that will allow migrant children to sit for the gaokao.

Sanitation workers win pay raise after protest
By Qiu Quanlin in Guangzhou, China Daily, January 22, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-01/22/content_16151177.htm
Guangzhou sanitation workers will receive a pay increase of 10 percent, following recent protests of more than 300 people.

Red Maple launches Beijing Migrant Children’s Education Plan
By Zhao Yingying 赵莹莹, People’s Daily Online 人民网, January 22, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/micro-reading/dzh/2013-01-22/content_8088919.html
The HYPERLINK Maple Women’s Psychological Counseling Center has announced its Beijing Migrant Children’s Education Plan, funded by the Beijing Special Construction Fund. (Chinese)

The whereabouts of RMB 200 million
By Zhang Mulan 张木兰, Philanthropy Times 公益时报, January 22, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://www.cdb.org.cn/newsview.php?id=6825
Philanthropy Times produces a series on government procurement of NGO services. (Chinese)

At Communist Youth League’s “Face to Face” with NPC representatives and CPPCC committee members, a suggestion to expand the procurement of public welfare social services
共青团与人大代表、政协委员“面对面” 建议加大购买公益性组织服务的力度
By Liu Jingjing 刘晶晶 January 23, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://youthdaily.why.com.cn/epublish/node37623/node41676/userobject7ai340617.html
At the “Communist Youth League Face to Face with NPC Representatives and CPPCC Committee Members,” held by the Communist Youth League, the Shanghai CPPCC Society and Law Committee, and the Shanghai Youth Federation, interested NPC representatives and CPPCC committee members came to hear suggestions for the development of youth education prior the “liang hui,” the policy advisory meetings between the NPC and the CPPCC in March, which included recommendations for the advancement of government procurement of youth-focused social organizations. (Chinese)

Old factory turned into public welfare park; enabling “public welfare flowers” to “bloom”
老厂房变身公益园区 让公益之花在这里盛开
By Wang Haiyan王海燕, Jiefang Daily 解放日报, January 23, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://sh.eastday.com/m/20130123/u1a7147764.html
The Pudong Public Welfare Service Park is the first of its kind, offering a space for more than 32 public welfare institutions. (Chinese)

Migrant workers to advise political body
By Zheng Caixiong, China Daily, January 23, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-01/23/content_16167024.htm
Three migrant workers have been selected to serve as “special members” on the Guangdong CPPCC, where they will have the opportunity to advise, but not to vote or put forth proposals.

Workers hold protest ‘Gangnam Style’
China Daily, January 23, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-01/23/content_16166914.htm
Hubei construction workers use the “Gangnam Style” dance to protest unpaid wages.

Rape victim’s mother brings labor camp to court
Xinhua, January 23, 2013
The mother of a young rape victim in Central China’s Hunan province on Tuesday brought the local re-education through labor center to court, seeking both compensation and an apology for her detention.

Moves to change gaokao rules spark heated debate
By Luo Wangshu and Jin Zhu, China Daily, January 24, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-01/24/content_16167522.htm
Controversy concerning policy for migrant youths’ higher education policy continues to grow, as migrants complain that their children are discriminated against in the college application process.

Adviser’s beard stays, for now
By Qiu Quanlin in Guangzhou, China Daily, January 24, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-01/24/content_16167500.htm
Political advisor Meng Hao maintains his pledge not to shave his beard until local authorities make public a government document relating to construction contracts.

Establishing a proposal for the Party Congress
By Zhong Weilian 钟伟连, Southern Daily 南方日报, January 24, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://news.hexun.com/2013-01-24/150519263.html
The Huiyang District Delegation and the Development Zone Delegation of Guangdong have each composed proposals on “Strengthening Social Organization Party Construction Work, and Assisting Social Management Innovation Work,” with suggestions for methods on Party involvement in social organization development. (Chinese)

8 towns will establish incubation bases
By Li Jing 李静, Foshan Daily 佛山日报, January 24, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://roll.sohu.com/20130124/n364502011.shtml
Foshan’s Nanhai district will open 8 Social Organization Incubation Bases, in order to speed up the process of its social development. (Chinese)

How charity organizations spend their funds
By Zhang Xuetao 张雪弢, Philanthropy Times 公益时报, January 24, 2013
HYPERLINK “http://www.cdb.org.cn/newsview.php?id=6826
In hopes of regaining public trust in non-profit organizations through increased operational transparency, the China Charity Donation and Information Center recently released a report detailing the expenditure plans of 56 organizations, including public and private foundations, civil non-enterprise units, enterprises, and special funds.

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