2012 China Social Enterprise Report, FYSE

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  • 2012 China Social Enterprise Report, FYSE

Since 2010, FYSE has conducted the annual China Social Enterprise survey to understand the characteristics of social entrepreneurs in China, as well as their scale, challenges and impact. The 2013 survey will provide crucial data to follow up on the previous studies in order to draw conclusions and provide recommendations for investors, intermediaries, government and other support agencies.

Support the 2013 Social Enterprise Report!

As a key organization in the field of social entrepreneurship, we greatly appreciate your support for the 2013 China Social Enterprise Survey by encouraging the social enterprises within your network to fill out our bilingual (English and Chinese) online survey.  It will take only 12-15 minutes and all data will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous.

The survey is open until December 30, 2012. We will publish our report at the end of March 2013.

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