The 2016 Legislative Work Plan has been issued by the General Office of the State Council. The specific work plan is divided into four parts, including urgent projects that are essential for comprehensively deepening reform (全面深化改革急需的项目), projects that should be finished this year (力争年内完成的项目), preparatory projects (预备项目) and research projects (研究项目).
While the Charity Law has been enacted, the revision of regulations that do not match the Law and the drafting of supporting policies have not followed up. The 2016 Legislative Work Plan includes some work plans related to the Charity Law. The urgent projects included cover Regulations on Volunteer Services (志愿服务条例),Regulations on Foundation Administration (基金会管理条例),Regulations on the Registration and Administration of Social Organizations (社会团体登记管理条例), and Interim Regulations on the Registration and Administration of Private Non-enterprise Units (民办非企业单位登记管理暂行条例). There are also other measures and regulations relating to the Charity Law in the research projects, including the Law of Social Organizations (社会组织法),Regulations on Child Welfare (儿童福利条例),Regulations on Support for People with Extreme Difficulties (特困人员供养工作条例),Measures for the Administration of Relief for Vagrants and Beggars without Assured Sources of Livelihood in Cities (城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法),and Measures for Unifying Social Credit Codes (统一社会信用代码管理办法).