The Aiyou Charity Night 2015 (2015 爱佑慈善夜), one of the biggest annual charity events in China, was held on the night of October 17th . This year’s event was co-hosted by the Aiyou Foundation (爱佑慈善基金会), the Huaxia Alumni Association (华夏同学会), and Focus Media (分众传媒), and this year’s theme was ‘everlasting love’ (爱始终如一). Through a live auction, the event raised 101, 673, 911 RMB in total, which set a new record for Aiyou Charity auction. All the donations will be used in the charity projects of the Foundation.
Aiyou Foundation was the first private fund-raising foundation registered in China after the enforcement of the Regulation on Foundation Administration in 2004. The Foundation has hosted the annual event for five consecutive years. The participants this year included directors and supervisors of Aiyou Foundation, business leaders and well-known artists.