Beijing salon focuses on climate change communication

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  • Beijing salon focuses on climate change communication

To figure out how NGOs, the media and other sectors can play a more important role in telling the world about China’s climate change stories, the World Resources Institute (WRI) invited a former government representative, researchers, journalists and NGO workers to an event to discuss communication strategies around climate change last Friday.

The 2023 China Climate Change Communications Salon Spring Luncheon touched on topics such as the narrative and meaning of Chinese climate change stories, use of AI for climate forecasts, and a media panel on climate change in the eyes of domestic and international media.

WRI will launch a media hotspot tracking tool before long to analyze domestic and international media coverage on China’s climate change stories.

Climate change is a key issue to improve children’s survival and living conditions in the future, said Liu Qiang, deputy chief representative of China, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation. His foundation has been supporting WRI and other NGOs in climate related projects.

When it comes to agenda setting — whether that’s from the government, media or NGOs, Zhao Yuezhi, a fellow of The Royal Society of Canada as well as a humanities chair professor at Tsinghua University, proposed three principles: face the climate challenge crisis, make efforts to uphold climate justice, and strive to ultimately build a “ecological civilization” — as a main goal of China’s creation of an ecological civilization is to decrease carbon emissions.

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