Jack Ma Foundation publishes handbook to share China’s experience of fighting COVID-19

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  • Jack Ma Foundation publishes handbook to share China’s experience of fighting COVID-19

The Jack Ma Foundation has published a handbook for medical staff worldwide, summarizing some of the lessons from China’s experience of dealing with the new COVID-19 outbreak. The philanthropic foundation named after the co-founder of Alibaba has published the handbook in multiple languages in partnership with the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, in order to share Chinese medical professionals’ best practices for dealing with the coronavirus with the international community. The handbook is long and detailed, with advice on topics ranging from the management of isolation wards and the protection of medical personnel from infection to the best strategies for treating the patients.

This comes on the heels of other initiatives by the Jack Ma Foundation to assist the countries facing the viral pandemic now sweeping the globe. Over the course of this month, the Jack Ma Foundation and the Alibaba Foundation have donated a total of over 1.7 million testing kits, 12 million surgical masks, and 60,000 protective medical suits to countries like Spain, Italy, South Korea and Japan. Particular efforts have been made to aid Italy, currently the worst-hit country in Europe. Last week, 500,000 surgical masks were sent from Hangzhou to Rome, where they were received by the Italian Red Cross, and a further 500,000 masks and 100,000 test kits are due to arrive in Italy by the end of this week.

This Monday, Jack Ma announced on his Weibo that his foundation plans to send supplies to all of Africa’s countries as well. The donated materials, including 1.1 million testing kits, six million masks, and 60,000 protective suits and face shields, will be sent to Ethiopia, where Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed will take the lead in distributing the supplies to the other countries of the African Union. On Twitter, the Ethiopian prime minister expressed his gratitude to Jack Ma for partnering with his country in this endeavour.

The foreword to the handbook ends with the following exhortation: “This pandemic is a common challenge faced by mankind in the age of globalization. At this moment, sharing resources, experiences and lessons, regardless of who you are, is our only chance to win. Because the real remedy for epidemics is not isolation, but cooperation. This war has just begun.”

You can download the English version of the handbook here.

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