The Amity Foundation works through the ACT Alliance to launch disaster assessment in Nepal

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  • The Amity Foundation works through the ACT Alliance to launch disaster assessment in Nepal

As a founding member and board member of ACT Alliance, The Amity Foundation responded to the disaster on April 25th by contacting ACT Alliance’s Secretariat in Geneva and its partner office in Nepal. ACT Alliance informed detailed working plans on Nepal to Amity. After a thorough discussion with ACT Alliance, Amity decided to respond to humanitarian assistance in Nepal. As of now, the Amity Foundation has joined with local partners and started initial assessment on the ground.
A 7.9 magnitude earthquake hit the west of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal on April 25th, 2015. It is the most powerful earthquake in the area in 81 years. On April 26th, The Nepal Ministry of Home Affairs announced the earthquake had caused 1832 death with 4718 injured. At least 17 Chinese citizens died in the earthquake. Kathmandu suffers most of the injuries. Infrastructure such as houses and roads are also heavily damaged. The Nepal government has announced state emergency and called for international humanitarian assistance.

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