Second draft of the Charity Law: no geographic limitations on online fundraising

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  • Second draft of the Charity Law: no geographic limitations on online fundraising

A new version of the Charity Law draft is tabled for a reading at the on-going 18th Session of the 12th NPC Standing Committee, taking place in Beijing from December 21st to the 27th. Compared to previous drafts, this version has removed the geographic limitations on online fundraising, and increased tax benefits for charitable organizations.

An earlier draft was submitted at the 17th Session of the 12th NPC Standing Committee a month ago. The lawmakers have since held several seminars to collect feedback from legal experts, scholars and charitable organizations. The geographic limitations on online, TV and broadcast fundraising in the first draft were widely considered to be unnecessary and difficult to regulate. Hence, the Commission for Legislative Affairs of the NPC Standing Committee modified this article. Since tax benefits are essential for the development of a charitable organization, the new draft specifically addresses tax benefits for charitable activities related to poverty alleviation and donations from business. The Commission for Legislative Affairs suggests that the second draft be sent to the NPC after the reading.

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