Report on the Development of Chinese Ocean Conservancy NGOs (2015) available online

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  • Report on the Development of Chinese Ocean Conservancy NGOs (2015) available online


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A Report on the Development of the Chinese Ocean Conservancy NGOs (2015) was released during the closing ceremony of the first China Ocean Philanthropy Forum. The report constitutes the first research on this topic. It was jointly conducted by the Heyi Institute (合一绿学院), the Shanghai Rendu Ocean NGO Development Center (上海仁渡海洋公益发展中心), and the China Blue Sustainability Institute (智渔生态环境研究中心) as independent third party observers. Its aim is to help ocean conservancy NGOs in China understand the status quo, learn from each other, improve their expertise, promote communication and networking within the environmental protection sector, and provide better services to adress ocean-related issues in China.

Employing quantitative methods, with online questionnaires collected from 29 Chinese ocean conservancy NGOs, the report offers analysis on seven different aspects of these organizations, including background information, services, HR structure, financial status, organizational structure, working modes and organizational development. Moreover, the research will be conducted every two years in the future, providing sustainable reports on the development of Chinese ocean conservancy NGOs.

Click here to download the full report.