MCA Calls on NGOs to Address College Graduates’ Employment Challenges

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  • MCA Calls on NGOs to Address College Graduates’ Employment Challenges

The Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) recently issued a notice urging social organizations to assist college graduates in finding employment in 2024. The notice encourages local departments to involve NGOs in addressing the employment difficulties faced by college graduates this year.

For Chinese college students, the NGO sector should be considered a significant career path. On one hand, the government is expected to increase support and investment in livelihood-related fields in the coming years, with NGOs playing a crucial role in these efforts. On the other hand, for Chinese NGOs, especially those with limited funding, hiring newly graduated college students is financially feasible and does not impose significant financial pressure to organizations.

In fact, many college students have already chosen social organizations as their entry point for their career development. According to Xinhua News Agency, the number of applicants for the 2024 National Social Worker Qualification Examination exceeded 1.889 million, marking a 26% increase from 2023 and setting a new record high.