Couleurs de Chine and another two overseas NGOs register in Southern China

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  • Couleurs de Chine and another two overseas NGOs register in Southern China

Three overseas NGOs have recently picked up their registration certificates in different areas of Southern China.


The most well known of the three is the French organization Couleurs de Chine, which registered its office in Guanxi province. Couleurs de Chine was founded in 1990, based on an idea by Françoise Grenot Wang, a French sinologist who worked with the Miao people of Guanxi for over a decade. Initially it functioned mainly as a cultural exchange organization that organized events in France to introduce Chinese culture to the public, but in 1998 it started to work in China, helping children from the minorities of Guanxi province to attend school. It is currently still dedicated to poverty alleviation and education in ethnic minority areas.

The South Korean organization known as the Economy and Trade Promotion Agency of Daejeon registered an office in Jiangsu province. Established in 2004, the organization has been engaging in educational, cultural, economic and trade exchanges between China and Korea. They extended their gratitude to Department of Public Security Jiangsu Province for their efficiency and enthusiasm.


The third overseas NGO to register in Southern China in the last few days was the North American Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers. The PSB of Zhejiang province held a ceremony to mark the registration of its local office. After expressing his appreciation, a representative of the US organization expressed his resolution as an overseas Chinese scholar to make a difference back home and endeavour to advance the development of the automobile industry in Zhejiang province.


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