China’s first dark-sky preservations to safeguard starry skies

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  • China’s first dark-sky preservations to safeguard starry skies

According to statistics, light pollution has deprived two thirds of world’s city dwellers of the chance to see the constellations and the Milky Way. Excessive artificial lighting also affects the physical and psychological health of human and animals alike, and disturbs ecosystems. In response to these emerging issues, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has given birth to a pilot project to build China’s first dark-sky preservations in Tibet.


The plan is to build two Dark-sky parks in two locations within the Tibetan plateau, called Ngari and Nagqu, in order to preserve the view of the night sky and conduct astronomical research, as well as educate visitors on the issue of light pollution. The pilot sites will be planned, structured and managed according to international standards. Measures taken will include using only shielded, downward-pointing lights, and limiting the maximum colour temperature to 4000k. The CBCGDF aims to build the first Dark Sky Place in Asia to be certified by the International Dark-Sky Association.


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