China Celebrates “National Low-Carbon Day”

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  • China Celebrates “National Low-Carbon Day”

May 15th marked the 2024 “National Low-Carbon Day” in China, centered around the theme “Green and Low-Carbon, Beautiful China.” Various local governments and departments organized a range of activities to promote the concept of green and low-carbon development and encourage environmentally friendly actions.

From May 13th to 19th, China also observed its 34th National Energy Conservation Promotion Week under the theme “Green Transformation, Forging Ahead in Energy Conservation.” During this week, local governments and departments actively engaged in activities and introduced policies and measures to achieve greater energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Despite progress, certain industries in China still exhibit subpar energy efficiency levels, including steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals, and building materials. Over 60% of existing boilers, motors, and transformers fall below advanced efficiency standards, and more than one-third of buildings fail to meet energy-saving criteria. However, the potential for energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation and upgrading remains substantial.

In response, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) will prioritize the reduction of energy consumption intensity during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. The commission aims to enhance long-term energy conservation and carbon reduction management mechanisms while fostering a societal atmosphere that promotes energy conservation and carbon reduction.

The NDRC plans to collaborate with relevant stakeholders to implement special actions in key areas and industries such as construction, steel, refining, synthetic ammonia, electrolytic aluminum, cement, and data centers.

Additionally, efforts will be made to advance the low-carbon transformation of coal-fired power through improved energy consumption, emission, and technical standards.

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