Charity donations exceeded $160 million in February

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  • Charity donations exceeded $160 million in February

According to the China Philanthropy Times, there were 12 large donations of 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) and above in February, amounting to 1.11 billion yuan in total.


In February, two donations worth over 100 million yuan were given to the education sector, with one funding the building of the Analysis and Testing Center at China Three Gorges University.


There were 10 donations with a value of between 10 to 50 million yuan. The majority of donations were given to universities by alumni. 


Compared with January 2023, the number of donations over 100 million yuan has declined, whereas the number of donations over 10 million yuan has remained the same. In terms of destination, nearly 90 percent of donations were given to education.

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