2030 Climate Champions Program empowers youth in Asia-Pacific region

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  • 2030 Climate Champions Program empowers youth in Asia-Pacific region

Through a collaborative endeavour between the China Association for NGO Cooperation (CANGO) and the Asia Foundation’s Beijing office, the 2030 Climate Champions Youth Climate Leadership Program has made substantial progress in uniting and empowering young climate activists throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

Initiated in August 2023, the endeavour seeks to motivate proactive exploration of climate change solutions and cultivate innovative green development practices among the youth in the region.

The program consists of diverse elements such as online seminars, capacity-building activities, and innovative practices, establishing a platform for young climate activists in the Asia-Pacific region to share ideas and collaboratively tackle climate challenges.

Particularly noteworthy is the Northeast Asia Youth Exchange section, incorporating online seminars and a week-long study trip to Mongolia.  This section aims to foster a comprehensive grasp of climate change solutions and encourage cross-cultural exchanges among participants from China, Japan, South Korea, and Mongolia.

During a half-day online seminar on August 9, 2023, the project team facilitated discussions from a Chinese standpoint, featuring insights presented by Zhang Yan, Director of the China Office at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The seminar encompassed China’s Nature-based Solutions (NbS), addressing an ecosystem approach framework, pertinent policies, and ongoing IUCN projects. This session aimed to elevate awareness and comprehension of nature-based solutions among the program participants.

As part of the program, three Chinese youth activists undertook a five-day educational trip to Mongolia from August 21 to 25, 2023. The visit focused on understanding Mongolia’s multifaceted approach to tackling climate change challenges, providing valuable insights into advanced technologies, partnerships, and conservation initiatives.

Within the China-US Youth Online Exchange segment, the program fostered dialogue and collaboration among five Chinese and five American youths, urging their active involvement in climate change initiatives and green innovation.

The activities encompassed online team-building courses, skill courses, and master classes featuring experts in climate diplomacy, urban low-carbon green transformation, and sustainability practices.

The project team effectively concluded the online learning and exchange activities, resulting in a comprehensive approach to enhancing awareness and capacity among the participating youth.

Anticipating 2024, the team aims to host the ‘2030 Youth Climate Leadership Forum,’ empowering young activists to shaping the forum agenda and crafting youth action plans. This initiative will further bridge connections among Chinese and American youth climate activists.

The 2030 Climate Champions Youth Climate Leadership Program serves as a symbol of collaboration, providing a platform for young leaders to actively contribute to climate change initiatives and sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region.

Amid ongoing climate challenges, initiatives like these play a pivotal role in nurturing a global community committed to discovering innovative and effective solutions.

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