Too Dark to See the Light: A Survey of Transgender Female Sex Workers in Beijing and Shanghai

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  • Too Dark to See the Light: A Survey of Transgender Female Sex Workers in Beijing and Shanghai

Asia Catalyst’s 72 page report documents the daily reality for transgender female sex workers in Beijing and Shanghai. Based on 10 months’ research by Asia Catalyst and two Chinese community based organizations, Beijing Zuoyou Center and Shanghai CSW (commercial sex worker) & MSM (men who have sex with men) Center, the report documents discrimination, police violence, legal restrictions and a policy environment preventing this highly marginalized group’s access to public services, legal identity and appropriate health care. They experience amplified stigma due to both their gender identity and their profession.

Transgender female sex workers are amongst the most marginalized and discriminated populations in China. The Chinese government should decriminalize sex work and enact anti-discrimination legislation including gender identity and sexual orientation as protected categories.

You can download a copy of the report using the pdf link above, or from the Asia Catalyst website:

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